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Rescued, Not Arrested Prison Ministry

The USA has 5% of the worlds population, but 25% of the worlds incarcerated. Texas has more than any other state, (with 1 out of 7 adults in Texas currently or previously having someone in their family in prison.)   


Although we cannot change our past, we CAN change our future, by choosing a different direction and following Jesus! This is the message of HOPE we give to encourage inmates. Prisoners turning to God are far less likely to return to a life of crime, and this greatly reduces the likelihood of the next generation of their children going to prison.


We teach regular weekly Faith-Based classes and provide weekend church services in several area Prison Units, all within about an hour of The Woodlands, Texas. In addition, we participate in 3 & ½ day inside retreats, called KAIROS which are held twice a year.  


If you are interested in more information about this ministry contact Carl Etchison – 281.796.3001 or by email at

To donate to this fund via credit card complete the form below.  If you prefer to donate by check please make out the check to Thousand Hills Missionary Support and mail the check to 46 Lost Pond Circle, The Woodlands, Texas 77381 and include directions designating your donation to the Prison Ministries fund.

Thanks for donating!

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