Fundraising Projects
Rescued, Not Arrested Prison Ministry
The USA has 5% of the worlds population, but 25% of the worlds incarcerated. Texas has more than any other state, (with 1 out of 7 adults in Texas currently or previously having someone in their family in prison.)
Although we cannot change our past, we CAN change our future, by choosing a different direction and following Jesus! This is the message of HOPE we give to encourage inmates. Prisoners turning to God are far less likely to return to a life of crime, and this greatly reduces the likelihood of the next generation of their children going to prison.
We teach regular weekly Faith-Based classes and provide weekend church services in several area Prison Units, all within about an hour of The Woodlands, Texas. In addition, we participate in 3 & ½ day inside retreats, called KAIROS which are held twice a year.
If you are interested in more information about this ministry contact Carl Etchison – 281.796.3001 or by email at
Next Chapter Benevolence
The Next Chapter Life Group at Faith Bible Church is for all adults in the multi-faceted life stage between empty-nest and retirement/early retirement. The Life Group is intentional in studying Scripture, making new friends, finding new ways to serve, and, together, navigating this next chapter of life with a Christ-centered perspective.
We value compassionate outreach that expresses the love, life and message of Christ to our neighbors and to our community. (2 Corinthians 9:8-11; 1 Timothy 6:17-19). To this end, we have set up a benevolence fund with Thousand Hills Missionary Support to help those in our community that have a financial crisis.
2024 International Women's Day
Friday March 8, 2024
Rescued, Not Arrested Prison Ministry
The USA has 5% of the worlds population, but 25% of the worlds incarcerated. Texas has more than any other state, (with 1 out of 7 adults in Texas currently or previously having someone in their family in prison.)
Although we cannot change our past, we CAN change our future, by choosing a different direction and following Jesus! This is the message of HOPE we give to encourage inmates. Prisoners turning to God are far less likely to return to a life of crime, and this greatly reduces the likelihood of the next generation of their children going to prison.
We teach regular weekly Faith-Based classes and provide weekend church services in several area Prison Units, all within about an hour of The Woodlands, Texas. In addition, we participate in 3 & ½ day inside retreats, called KAIROS which are held twice a year.
If you are interested in more information about this ministry contact Carl Etchison – 281.796.3001 or by email at
Next Chapter Benevolence
The Next Chapter Life Group at Faith Bible Church is for all adults in the multi-faceted life stage between empty-nest and retirement/early retirement. The Life Group is intentional in studying Scripture, making new friends, finding new ways to serve, and, together, navigating this next chapter of life with a Christ-centered perspective.
We value compassionate outreach that expresses the love, life and message of Christ to our neighbors and to our community. (2 Corinthians 9:8-11; 1 Timothy 6:17-19). To this end, we have set up a benevolence fund with Thousand Hills Missionary Support to help those in our community that have a financial crisis.
2024 International Women's Day
Friday March 8, 2024
Serving in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip is a life-changing experience. We will be partnering with local churches, people, schools, and communities to bring life transformation through a basketball camp. Lady Timberwolves and Lady Bulldogs are invited to participate in a 4-day mission trip to lead a basketball camp for local children and teenagers. There will be 3 days of coaching, training, and playing basketball with the kids, and 1 day of fun team bonding in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Sunday, June 23 to Friday, June 28, 2024 Players’ families are welcome to join / Valid passports are required for all travelers. TRIP COST ESTIMATE: $1500 including airfare