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Synergy Baseball trip to Trento, Italy

Faith Bible Church is partnering with Chiesa Evangelica di Trento located in Trento, Italy. We will be travelling June 28 - July 6, 2024


We are taking the great game of baseball, (America’s past time), while also sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Northern Italy Community of Trento. The purpose of our trip is to walk alongside the local church, and help bridge the gap between the church and their local community.


This is the second year of our partnership with Trento. We expect this partnership to become a long term relationship; as an example there are several Church to Church Partnerships (USA to International) that have been serving in the same way for more than 20 years. Truly making a difference for the kingdom, within the churches and communities that they serve.


We have a couple of requests –


First and foremost we covet your prayers for this ministry. We ask that you pray for the Church in Italy, the community and the players that will be participating in this baseball camp. Pray for the hearts and attitudes to be those of grace, excitement and cooperation. Pray that we Americans show the love, grace an mercy of Christ through all of our actions, words and deeds. Pray for traveling safety, good health, and endurance for the duration of the trip as well


Our second request – we ask that you prayerfully consider providing financial support to the Faith Bible – Trento Italy Missions ministry. Any amount that you feel led to provide, will be greatly appreciated a blessing to all the people involved. Airfare costs are nearly double the cost as compared prior years travelling  to Europe. We have in country ground costs to secure the camp facilities, meals and beverages for all the campers and workers for the camp duration, as well as securing all of the equipment to enable us to provide a camp of excellence for all involved, as we build for the future.


You can support us in several ways, via Thousand Hills – details provided within. You can designate specifically where you would like for the donation to be applied to. This includes:


  •        To offset equipment costs (bats, gloves, baseballs, bases, helmets, backstops, batting tees, cones, team bags, etc.)

  •        To offset uniform costs (shirts/caps)

  •        To offset airfare and in country ground travel costs –General or designate to individuals listed below

  •        To offset in Italy camp startup costs – food, beverages, supplies, etc.


This is the 2024 team from Faith Bible that will be participating:


  •        Roger & Tammy Ford

  •        Jose & Urquisa Vicente – plus 2 family members

  •        George & Diane Reinstra

  •        Christopher Riggs – plus 2 sons

  •        Hai Ford

  •        Christian Ford

  •        John Neagle

  • ​       Keith Winters​

  •        Jesse Marcos – Missions Pastor


Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support consideration.


We hope that you will consider joining us for future mission trips to Italy or anywhere else that God sends us!


Thanks for donating!

To donate for an individual on this trip or to the trip in general via credit card complete the form below.  If you prefer to donate by check please mail the check to Thousand Hills Missionary Support, 46 Lost Pond Circle, The Woodlands, Texas 77381 and include directions on how you would like to designate your support.

Thousand Hills Missionary Support

Using God's resources to do God's work

©2023 by Thousand Hills Missionary Support, 46 Lost Pond Circle, The Woodlands, TX 77381.

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